The Luxuries People Can't Live Without (Infographic)

From Wi-Fi to domestic travel, there are some things we can’t even think about living without. However, what if you had to choose between Netflix or Spotify? Turns out, most people would give up Spotify.

A recent survey of more than 1,000 people asked what luxuries people could and couldn’t live without. Unsurprisingly, the first thing people were quick to give up was nice towels. However, when it came to travel, food delivery, Netflix, coffee and more, decisions became more difficult.

Overall and without much surprise, people categorized Wi-Fi and their smartphone as the top two “have to have” items. Coming in close behind were pets, a dryer and a nice mattress, which also ranked in the “have to have” category.When it comes to health and wellness, people also prioritized eating out and buying lunch over going to the gym. Between coffee or alcohol, a majority chose coffee.

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